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[快乐英语] 省钱美容小贴士

发表于 2012-1-6 20:19:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 沙漠 于 2012-1-6 20:27 编辑


Extreme Curl Lashes 弯弯睫毛
There are several heated lash curlers on the market right now, but you can save yourself a few bucks by heating up your own lash curler with a blow dryer. Heat for a few seconds, then curl your lashes for a lasting effect。市场上有几种带加热功能的睫毛夹,但其实你可以不花冤枉钱,自己动手加热睫毛夹。用吹风机加热睫毛夹几秒钟,就能让你的睫毛持久弯曲。
  Soft, Silky Tresses.。.丝柔秀发
  You're all out of hair serum, which, if you live in Mississippi, is a crisis situation. The humidity here will totally kill your hairstyle. When this happens, use a dime-sized amount of baby oil on your hair. Not only will it act as a frizz controlling hair serum, it will also add extra sheen。护发素用光了,这算不得什么大事。可如果你住在密西西比,那就是情势危急了。那里的空气湿度会彻底毁了你的发型。这种情况下,你可以用少量婴儿润肤油涂在头发上。它不但能解决头发卷曲的问题,还能让你的秀发更有光泽。
  Luxurious Legs.。.光滑美腿
  Here's a Beauty and the Budget tried and true shaving tip: When you're all out of shaving cream, substitute with conditioner. Suave
  conditioner has been my form of shaving cream in the past. I've found that not only do my legs turn out silkier, but they also smell wonderful!下面这个美容又省钱的方法被亲身证实过:如果你的剃须膏用光了,可以用护发素替代。过去我一直用Suave牌护发素替代剃须膏。它不但能让腿部光滑,还有好闻的香味。
  Rosy Cheeks.。.红润脸颊
  Did your favorite blush just crush into pieces all over the floor? No worries! Simply dab your favorite pink or red lipstick on your cheeks. Rub in gently with your finger (or a makeup sponge) in a circular motion. Then cover lightly with powder, and voila!刚刚打碎你最心爱的腮红?别担心!用你喜欢的粉色或红色口红轻轻涂在面颊。然后用手指画圈,轻柔的擦拭均匀。最后再薄薄扑上一层粉。完工!
  A Lasting Smoky Eye.。.持久烟熏
  When you want that perfect smoky eye, you don't have to spend lots of money on the perfect eyeliner or smudging
  tools. Although a smudge applicator is helpful, you can get the perfect smoky eye by simply heating up your eye pencil. You can hold the eye pencil over a candle, but since I don't typically light candles at six in the morning before work, I usually just hold the pencil close to my Chi. The heat will melt the liner, making the eye pencil go on extremely smooth. *Note: Do not hold pencil directly next to the Chi iron plate. Hold it close to the Chi for about three seconds。想要完美的烟熏妆,不需要昂贵的眼线笔和涂抹工具。只需要一支加热的眼线笔,你自己也能画出完美的烟熏妆。你可以用蜡烛加热眼线笔,但我一般不会在早晨六点上班之前就点燃一根蜡烛,所以我常用烫发器来替代。手拿眼线笔靠近烫发器,融化的眼线笔会变得非常顺滑。*注意:不要靠烫发器金属板太近。加热三秒钟就可以了。
The Perfect, Smudge-Free Mani...轻松美甲
When you're all out of Quick Dry, or if you just don't care to spend the money on it, skip it completely! Instead, let your nails air dry for about two to three minutes. Next, submerge nails in icy water for about three minutes.如果你对指甲油快干液不感兴趣,或者你不想在这上面花钱,就把这一步省去吧!先让指甲自然干燥两三分钟,再在冷水中浸约三分钟。
A Wrinkle and Acne Free Face...去皱无痕
Can't afford expensive wrinkle creams? Retinoid creams actually help to smooth wrinkles and get rid of zits overnight!昂贵的抗皱霜令你囊中羞涩?维甲酸霜对抗皱纹非常有效,还能在一夜之间解决你的痘痘问题。
Well-Groomed Cuticles...清洁角质
If you don't regularly get a manicure or have a cuticle pusher in your beauty stash, simply use a warm washcloth to push back your cuticles. I like to let my nails soak in hot water first.如果你不常去做指甲护理,化妆包里又没有美甲推,简简单单一条热毛巾也能用来推去角质。我喜欢先用热水泡一下指甲。
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