在迪拜境内换工作也需要提供无犯罪证明 – GULFNEWS 海湾新闻
阿布扎比: 现在所有的新工作许可都是需要提供无犯罪证明的, 包括在阿联酋境内换工作的。
官方消息称: 外籍员工在阿联酋境内换工作,是需要在当地警局开局无犯罪证明(certificates of good conduct)。
在阿联酋境内换工作需要在当地警局开局无犯罪证明(certificates of good conduct)。”
“For candidates applying for their first job in the UAE, the security screening of job candidates means that they will have to produce good conduct certificates from their home countries, or the country, or countries, of their residence for work, or study, for the past five years, while those who wish to change jobs can obtain the good conduct certificate from local police,” the source said.
1- 在迪拜以前有工签,取消后回国一趟,回迪拜申请工签, 也需要国内的无犯罪证明了,并且公证认证。
2- 迪拜当地警局开局的无犯罪证明,也需要去迪拜外交部贴花认证。
回复:需要的,外交部认证。(小编还专门去了一趟外交部的customer happiness centres)
海湾新闻原文:The good conduct certificates must be certified bythe UAE’smissions abroad or attested at customer happiness centres of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs and International Cooperation.
然后把公证书邮寄到我们战略合作的北京代理办理外交部认证 + 阿联酋驻中国大使馆认证 +(邮寄至迪拜)迪拜外交部认证
公证认证的完整步骤: 公证处公证+外交部认证+阿联酋驻中国大使馆认证 +邮寄到迪拜 + 迪拜外交部认证
* 如果过去5年在多个国家工作/学习过,怎么开无犯罪证明呢?
海湾新闻原文:The source clarified if the applicant for a work permit has lived and worked in more than one country in the past five years, a certificate of good conduct from each country must be produced.
* 办理家属签证,也需要无犯罪证明吗?
回复: 不用的。
海湾新闻原文:The security screening is only mandatory for job candidates but not their dependants or family members.
* 在迪拜出生的居民申请工作签证需要开无犯罪证明吗?
回复: 如果在阿联酋出生的外籍居民,一直生活在阿联酋,那么是不用开无犯罪证明的。 但是如果在过去5年离开阿联酋去其他国家工作/学习了一段时间,那么还是需要开无犯罪证明的。
海湾新闻原文:“For residents born and lived in the UAE until they apply for a job, they will not be required to present a good conduct certificate,” the source said.
However, the source said, those born and lived in the UAE for a while but left for home or other country before applying for a job, must produce a good conduct certificate from their home country or the country of their residency for work, or study, for the past five years.