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发表于 2011-9-6 10:38:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dear Professor:
  This letter of recommendation is for Caleb,a young man I have had the pleasure of knowing for the last 20 months.As a professor emeritus, I have come in contact with thousands ofcollege and graduate students. However, Mr. Caleb stands out as a veryextraordinary one with his research and teaching capability,personality and what is more, his "academic spirit".
  During hisgraduate study, he worked as my research assistant first, then as ateaching assistant of our department. Usually it is hard for someone tobe good at even either one. However, as his adviser, I was pleased tofind thatboth works he did was far exceeding what is called good. Forexample, unlike most other graduate students who are eager to publishessays and thus fear to take pains to make exhaustive investigation fortheir research, Mr. Caleb made extensive survey for his in the projectsponsored by Science and Tech Commission of "Chicago" municipalgovernment.He searched every possible source of information within hisreach and affords for related materials. As far as I know, he has beento Beijing to the National Library of China, Science and TechInformation Center, Tsinghua University s Library and most publiclibraries of "Chicago". He searched both in library and on web, whichis a totally new approach to us. Neither was Mr. Caleb satisfied withsecond-hand information only. During the process, he also interviewedwith supervisors of some scientific institutes of "Chicago" to obtainfirst-hand information.
  His teaching is equally praiseworthy. Ioften heard his students said that Mr.Caleb s lectures were interestingand enlightening and they loved to listen to his lectures. In fact, hehas his own teaching style.To my knowledge,it is quite western. Inother words, he pays more attention to arouse the desire of seekingknowledge among his students instead of maintaining a quiet and rigidlecture atmosphere as most other teachers do.Thus you can imagine hislectures are full of discussions, laughter and eager eyes of learning.
  His personality also impressed me so much. I would like to take onlyone case among numerous ones as example.This summer, I happened to havesome thesessent to a professor who lived in another university for hisreview.It was so urgent that I could not wait even one more moment.Then I got Mr. Caleb to do it. He nodded without even hesitation. Itsounds like not a big deal. However, it was scorching outside at noonthen and it took him almost 1 hour s bike ride back and forth!
  Besides his research, teaching capability and personality,I think Ishould bring up the overwhelmingly strong point of Mr. Caleb--hisacademic spirit. Although I know that it is hard to define what iscalled "academic spirit", Mr. Caleb does prove it through hisindependence on his research, innovative perspective and commitment toacademic activity. Frankly, I think it is the "academic spirit"thatdistinguishes him from thousands of college and graduate students Ihave ever known. With the "academic spirit", Mr. Caleb is marchingsteadily towards his career goal--an ideal scholar with time goes by.
  One more point. Mr. Caleb s English is excellent compared to mostcollege or graduate students I have ever known.For example, "Chicago"municipal govern-ment held "International Friendship Month" and invitedmany foreigners (including guests from Clevend, U.S.A.) last summer.Mr. Caleb was chosen as one of 6 volunteer interpreters out of nearly300 college and graduate studentswho applied the positions. Therefore Iam sure that he will adapt to the rigors of graduate school life inU.S. without any great difficulty.
  our kind consideration willbe greatly appreciated.I would like to providemore information uponyour request. You can reach me either by the home phone and mailingaddress or via Internet,my email address is: xxxx@btamail.net.cn
  Thank you.

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