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[雅思IELS] 2011年7月9日雅思作文第一时间评析

发表于 2011-8-30 05:43:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Many animal species in the world are becoming extinct nowadays. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  become extinct, die out
  这两个词都是灭绝的意思。其中extinct是形容词,可与become/ go搭配,或者用名词形式extinction,可跟动词face搭配。其它的表达方式还有be on the verge/ brink of extinction(处于绝的边缘)。另外“濒危物种”应该使用endangered species/ animals,extinct species表示已经灭绝的物种。species这个词单复数同形,请考生留意。
  1.Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that to prevent these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (030111, 030719)
  2.Now many people think that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild animals. The money should be better spent on human population. Do you agree or disagree? (031213)
  3.Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although peple have been aware of this problem for a long time. Why do people do so little about it? Give your suggestions on how to solve this problem. (051203)
  4.Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (050917, 080202, 100911)
  5.Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. (100318)
  6.Some people think that killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary. Other people disagree and think that meat is essential for human beings. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (030118, 060527)
  I. Introduction
  1. 文章背景:几个世纪以来,人类的扩张已经导致了世界上无数物种的灭绝。For centuries, the large-scale expansion of human beings has given rise to the extinction of many species in the world.
  2. 正方观点:因此出现了很多动物保护主义者,他们认为人类应当不惜一切代价保护动物免受灭绝。In consequence, there arise many animal rights activists, who claim that mankind should protect wild animals at any cost lest they disappeared.
  3. 反方观点:然而,反对者则认为,动物保护应当以保护人类自身的利益作为前提。However, opponents argue that animals should be conserved only when people’s own needs are satisfied.
  4. 文章结构:本文将分析这两种观点。This essay will analyse both points of view.
  II.Body 1:动物保护的重要性
  1.总论点:保护濒危物种是非常必要的,因为它们的存在给人类带来的无穷的好处。Conserving endangered species is essential, as their existence has brought numerous benefits to human beings.
  2.分论点1:野生动物是脆弱的生态系统中的一个重要组成部分,一种物种的灭绝会带来其它物种的相继灭绝。Wild animals are essential components of the delicate ecosystem, and the extinction of one species is likely to cause the disappearance of another.
  3.论据:数百年来人类肆无忌惮的扩张已经侵犯了野生动物的领地,使得很多动物无家可归,濒临灭绝。生态平衡被打破的后果是灾难性的,因此保护濒危物种迫在眉睫。The reckless expansion of human beings in the recent centuries has invaded the territories of wildlife, rendering many animals homeless and endangered. The consequences of the disrupted ecological balance are catastrophic, so it is imperative to conserve endangered species.
  4.分论点2:生物多样性是人类最宝贵的资产。Biodiversity is one of the most valuable assets that humanity possesses.
  5.论据:很多发明都是人类从动物中获得灵感的结果,比如鸟类让人类发明了飞机,蝙蝠使人类发明了雷达。Many inspirations of inventions derived from various animals, for instance, aeroplanes, which originated from the Wright bothers’ careful observation and examination of birds, and radar, whose working principle is the same to that of bats.
  6.小结:因此野生动物的存在是人类得以不断生存和发展的动力。Thus, wild animals are the incentive of the existence and development of the human race.
  III. Body 2:满足人类利益的重要性
  1.论点:然而,在很多国家,特别是一些发展中国家,人类的基本利益都没有得到很好的满足。贫困、饥荒、疾病、自然灾害,正在威胁着这个世界上的每一个公民。However, in some countries, especially developing countries, the basic interests of human beings have not been satisfied. Poverty, famine, epidemics, natural disasters are posing a severe threat to many citizens of the world.
  2.如果政府有限的预算都被投入到动物保护领域,很多人将会面临生存困难。If the limited government budget is allocated to animal conservation, many people will face huge difficulty making a living.
  3.因此对于这些国家来说,保护好人的基本权利才是当务之急。Therefore, protecting basic human rights should be the top priority of these countries.
  1.重申观点1:动物保护是至关重要的,因为它是人类生存与未来发展的基础。In conclusion, protecting wildlife is of great significance, as it is a vital cornerstone of the survival and future development of mankind.
  2.重申观点2:但是动物保护的巨额资金不是每一个国家可以承担的。Nevertheless, the huge financial cost of animal conservation is not what every country can afford.
  3.解决方法:因此,动物保护需要每一个国家的参与,发达国家应当给予发展中国家资金上的支持,以确保动物与人的和平共处。Therefore, endangered animal species can be conserved only when every country on the planet makes its own effort. Developed countries should provide financial aid to their poor counterparts in order to ensure the peaceful coexistence of animals and human beings.
  A类 Task 1 Table(动态)
  The table shows the number of visitors to and from the UK and the amount of money spent on trip from May to Oct in 2008.
  英国2008年5-10月份出国的游客和国外来的游客的数量和他们的开销支出金额。单位量分别是million和 millions pounds。先写左边overseas visitors,再写右边UK residents visiting other countries。
  G类 Task 1 友情信
  You are going to study in another place. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should say:
  1.Where you are going
  2.What you like about the course
  3.Why it is helpful for your friends.
  G类 Task 2 语言文化类
  Too many old historic buildings are in danger and destroyed in many countries. What are the main reasons? How to protect them?
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