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[快乐英语] 英语笑话:学习一门外语的重要性

发表于 2011-12-7 23:37:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away.

Turning to her kittens, the cat said, You see how important it is to know a second language.

cowered 抖缩;蜷缩;畏缩
run into 遇见
例如: Turn right at the secondtraffic light, you will run into a Wal-mart. 第二个交通灯右转,你会遇到一个沃尔玛。
let out 发出
例如: let out a cry of pain 发出一声痛苦的叫声
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:39:24 | 只看该作者


"I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles.

"When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down."

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:41:29 | 只看该作者
钥匙还是接吻?Keys or Kiss?

A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on.

The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said, "Give me the keys." The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadn't heard him clearly, so he repeated. "Give me the keys." The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he threw his arms around the teacher's neck and kissed him on both cheeks.

我的一位朋友在给一个成人学生班级上英语课。他们都是新近来美国生活的。 在一张桌子上摆了许多日常用品之后,他请全班同学给他挑出尺子,书本,钢笔等。课进行得井然有序,学生们对自己所做的似乎很感兴趣,也很认真。后来轮到一 名来自意大利的学生,我的朋友说:“给我钥匙。”那人看起来非常吃惊,也有点手足无措。看到这种情况,我的朋友想是他没有听清楚,于是又重复了一遍:“给 我钥匙。”那位意大利学生耸了耸肩。接着,他伸出胳膊搂住老师的脖子在双颊上亲了两下。
at a loss: 不知所措。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:42:47 | 只看该作者
英语冷笑话:Good news or Bad news?

An artist was part of an exhibition, and he asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings that were currently on display.
"I've got good news and bad news," the owner replied.
"Give me the good news first," the artist demanded.
"The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings."
"That's wonderful!" the artist exclaimed, "What could the bad news possibly be?"
With concern, the gallery owner replied, "The gentleman in question was your doctor."

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:44:18 | 只看该作者
英语笑话:Not too Bad不算太坏

"Did you sell any of your paintings at the art show?"

"No, but I am encouraged," he replied. "Somebody stole one."



 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:45:49 | 只看该作者
A Gentle Reminder 委婉提醒

Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?

Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said, So, you want to switch seats?


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:47:46 | 只看该作者
The Kings Brother国王的兄弟
A poor man, presenting himself before the King of Spain, asked his charity, telling him that he was his brother.Thinking desiring to know how he claimed kindred(家族,亲属关系) to him, the poor fellow replied, We are all descended from one common father and mother viz., Adam and Eve. Upon which the king gave him a little copper piece of money.The poor man began to be moan himself, saying, Is it possible that your Majesty should give no more than this to your brother? Away, away, replies the king: if all the brothers you have in the world give you as much as I have done, you'll be richer than I am.


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:49:20 | 只看该作者

I Understand Him 我懂他的话

While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded(谴责,责难)
my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full .
Mump umn Kmpfhm, was all I heard.
Drew, I scolded, no one can understand a word you're saying.
He says he wants some ketchup(番茄酱) , my husband said calmlyA woman sitting nearby leaned over and asked, How in the world did you understand him?I'm a dentist, my husband explained.


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 23:52:31 | 只看该作者

Make your fortune怎么发财的?

How did you make your fortune?

I became the partner of a rich man. He had the money and I had the experience.

How did that help?

Now he has the experience and I  have the money.





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