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[快乐英语] 小D每日一句一周详解(04.30~05.06)

发表于 2012-5-9 13:32:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.hard going:难懂的,令人讨厌的;进展困难,艰难的旅程
例如: He found the study of law to be hard going.(他发觉法律很难学。)
           The mud made it hard going for the car.(泥泞使汽车行驶困难。)

easy going 好相处的,随和的,从容不迫的
1.free hand:不受约束,自行决定权
例如:I needed a completely free hand to be able to turn the company around.(我需要得到自由行事的权力,以便扭转这个公司局面。)
          Roy is the expert so they gave him free hand to sort out the problem. (罗伊是专家,因此他们让他可以不受约束地处理那个问题。)

05月02日:It has improved beyond measure.情况大为改善。  

1.beyond measure:不可估量,极度,非常
例如:His joy was beyond measure. (他无比喜悦。)
          No one envied him, for he was popular beyond measure.(没人妒忌他,他太受欢迎了。)

05月03日:Singing is my strong point.唱歌是我的强项。

1.strong point:长处,强项,支撑点
例如:What's the strong point of it?(它有什么样的长处?)
          Dancing is not her strong point.(她不擅长跳舞。)

05月04日:The new intern promises well.新来的实习生很有前途。

1.promise well:大有前途,前景很好,很有希望
例如:The rain has been plentiful and the crops promise well.(雨水充足,庄稼大有丰收的希望。)
          His forthcoming novel promises well.(他即将出版的小说很有希望成功。)

05月05日:She is a home bird.她是个恋家的人。

1.home bird:喜欢呆在家里的人
例如:He is a real home bird. He seldom takes part in the social events.(他老是呆在家里,很少出去参加社交活动。)
          Tom's such a home bird that I wonder if he will suffer from cabin fever.(汤姆总是待在家里不出门,我真怀疑他是不是得了幽闭症了。)

05月06日:The road seemed to go on and on.这条路好像没有尽头。

1.on and on:继续不停地,不断地
例如:She chattered on and on about her recent trip.(她喋喋不休地谈她最近的旅行。)
          They went on and on till they came to a river.(他们走啊, 走啊, 一直走到河边。)
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