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[快乐英语] 国外常见的几种情感状态

发表于 2013-11-11 09:21:53 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Relationship Status:
1. single单身;2. in a relationship恋爱中;3. engaged已订婚;4. married已婚;5. in an open relationship开放式关系;6. widowed丧偶;7. separated分居状态;8. divorced已离异;9. domestic partnership未婚同居关系;10. Civil Union同性婚姻。

1. Singlism 单身歧视,指给单身的成年人贴上某些负面的标签;
2. Text purgatory 备受煎熬等短信,是指给心仪的人发了邀约短信后,在等待对方回复的那段时间里所经历的那种焦急等待的煎熬,
用法:be in text purgatory

The Soul in Purgatory
We don't know what the Soul is.
And we certainly don't know what Purgatory is.
Yet.our Souls live in Pugatory most of the time
This we know from person experience.
The Soul in Pugatory is nude. Vulnerable.Suffering.
She's taken on her faults.
All her fault.
And she wants to find a way to free herself from their burde.
To be forgiven.
But she must suffer to do so.
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