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[商务英语] 阿联酋高档商品销售人员面试英语辅导材料

发表于 2013-5-25 15:24:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一.         Please inform that the cv must mentioned at least 1 year sales experience ,and you should talk about  over 1 year experience during interview time .(要求简历上要写明有1年以上的经历,在面试时也要跟考官讲明有一年的工作经历)

二. appearance – (外表)
  • (要求面试时女生一定要化妆,衣着时尚整洁或制服,穿高跟鞋。男生作西装或正装衬衣)

三. interview shall be in  English .面试时全部用英语进行。以下问题是根据以往外方面试整理的,面试官将会从下面众多问题中抽选部分问题来询问,一般一次面试大概会涉及到6-7个问题,,因此请认真阅读。

1.—Introduce yourself briefly。 Talk about yourself.(自我介绍)what is your name ?

Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***,I am  ***  years old. I come from **city, ** province. **, There  are **  peoples in our family . my father ,my mother and I . I graduated from **   school, my major is **  .  After my graduation, I have been working as a seller at ** department store in ** city I sell ** (product).  I am a outgoing外向/dynamic 活力Bright开朗/aggressive 有进取心boy/girl. I like sales. I am honored to attend the interview today, I hope to work in your company. thank you for providing me this chance. Thank you!

2. - what is your work experience ? Please tell us how long you have been working. 你的工作经历?你工作多长时间?

3.-what is the product you are selling in your shop , please explain?  How much is your biggest sale so far ?How much size is the your store? how many colleague are working with ?How many working hours everyday? Do you have shift in your work? How many turnover in your shop everyday(every week/ every month)?Do you have target? Do you have sales commission? 你销售的是什么东西?请解释你对该产品的了解 。你们卖的做好(销量最大的)的产品是什么?你目前工作的店多大面积?有多少同事?你每天工作多长时间?有倒班吗?你们每天(每周、每月)营业额多少?你们有任务目标吗? 有销售提成吗?

4.  What’s the duty of the sales assistant?销售助理的工作职责是什么?
参考答案:1. 确保商店(包括储藏库)所有时间都干净整洁。Ensure that shop (including sub stores) is clean and tidy at all times
               2. 摆放商品,并确保所有商品标价精确。Display the product and ensure all products are properly priced.
   3.  确保商品的安全      ensure all the product safety.
                     4.  欢迎顾客进店并向顾客介绍相关商品  ,回答顾客相关问题Greeting to the customers. Give them some introduction , when they have no idea what to buy, we can give them some suggestion.
                     5. 为顾客办理购买商品的全套手续。(Such as accept the money, pack the products, give  them the receipt)
                     6. 确保现金和信用卡的销售正确并且轮班结束后将其寄存到现金办公室Ensure cash & credit card sales are correct and lodged in the cash office end of shift.

7. 欢送顾客离店( Say goodbye,  Welcome your clients next  time. Hope to see you again soon)
8.收集各类商品的销售动态,并提出合理化促销建议。(Collect all kinds of sales trends about your commodity, and try to give some rationalization Suggestions promotion.)

5.  what is the important thing for selling ?销售最重要的是什么? What is important as customer service ?客户服务最重要的一点是什么?
(参考答案1: 使顾客最终购买到自己满意的商品)让客户满意( customer satisfaction)

6.What are the characteristics of an excellent sales person? 作为一个优秀销售人有哪些特性?What make you
Good sales person ?什么使你成为一个优秀的销售人员?Describe excellent customer service?请描述什么是优质客
户服务?What skill do you have to make good sales ?成为一个优秀的销售人员需要哪些技巧?
A.      Understanding the client’s need (知道客人的需求)
B.      Understanding your product  (了解自己所卖产品特点)
C.       Convincing the client to buy  (有能力说 服客人购买产品)
D.     Pushing to selling in good manner  (拥有良好的销售技巧和方法)
                   E.     have good attitudes (拥有良好地服务态度,比如热情warmly、耐心patient、微笑smile)

参考答案2:: In general , the client need the good character person , smiling , smart , helpful to others not selfish , team work ., willing to service the client, having service mind , never angry with the clients , be cool ) (答:总的来说客人需要的是一个好脾气的服务员,从不对客人发脾气,要随时保持微笑,机灵,要勇于帮助他人,具有团队精神,遇事沉着冷静,具有销售产品丰富的知识,具有良好的服务意识,不要太自我)

参考答案3:Basic requirements : Smile, Greet, investigate needs, meet needs via helpful advice and professionalism, prompt and efficient service throughout, if required offer alternatives, thank the customer and give a sincere parting comment.  (基本要求:微笑,问候,需求调查,通过有益的建议和职业素质满足客户需求,始终及时高效的服务,如果顾客的需求是可选择的,那应首先感谢顾客,同时给予顾客真诚而职业的意见)

参考答案4:1.  Make a good impression whenever you meet a guest or a colleague.
2.  Have a positive attitude at all times despite a bad mood.
3.  Pay attention when someone is talking.  Listen fully to a guest or a colleague.
4.  Know your job the best you can.  Try to know more as you go along.
5.  Make our guests and colleagues feel at home when they come onboard.

7.Is there any problem you encounter while you are selling to the customer? (在从事销售工作时碰见过什么问题(困难)吗?
答: 按个人具体实际情况回答。(请事先选择好相关问题,比如客人生气等等)

8. Describe a situation when you dealt with an angry customer?面对生气的客人如何处理?How can you handle the customers’ complain?( 如何处理顾客的抱怨?)
回答要点1:cool off , relax , calm down myself , Apologize, if we really have some mistake. try to satisfy his or her requirement. A complaining customer is an opportunity to improve your service not only for them, but for all future customers.
1.  Listen (倾听)
Listen critically, without interruption.  Do not argue or deny anything.  Do not get defensive or challenged in any way even if the guest is abusive, exaggerates, or speaks boisterously. Be attentive.

2.  Acknowledge (承认)
Express empathy towards the guest and the existence of a problem.  Do not accept nor pass on the blame to others until all the facts are gathered.  Use the “sad/glad” statement.
Sad       - I am sorry there is a problem.
Glad      - I am glad you are bringing it to our attention.
Empathies   - I am certain that this has been frustrating for you.  I do understand your being so upset.

3.  Restate (申明)
As soon as the guest has calmed down, restate the complaint in question form, in order to
avoid misunderstandings and to show the guest that you possess good comprehension skills.

4.  Ask (询问)
Ask the guest what he/she wants you to do or what he/she would like to be done.  In many cases, the guest is merely satisfied with just “letting the company know” what has occurred.  If he/she wants something done specifically, find out exactly what it is and confirm it with him/her. Stress what you can do, not what you can’t do.  Suggest alternatives if preferred solution is not feasible.  If the alternative solution is not satisfactory to them, seek the assistance of a person of higher authority than yourself.

5.  Action (行动)
Find something to agree on.  Once a solution has been agreed upon, take immediate action and do it!  Notify the guest of any changes or delays.  Never promise anything that you cannot keep.
6.  Follow-up (追踪)
After a problem has been remedied, contact the guest and make sure that the solution was
satisfactory to them.  Use this moment of truth to thank the guest for brining the matter to your awareness and accentuate that it should never happen again.

9.  How do you feel to sell luxury product ?怎样销售奢侈品?
回答要点: Totally understand the characteristics of goods, and aiming. Listen to the customers, to respect the choice of guests; to tell customers the true value of the Goods. 充分了解所销售商品的特点和面向人群;倾听客人的要求,尊重客人的选择;告诉顾客该商品的真正价值。 (也可参考45)

10. what is “luxury” to you ?or what is your opinion “ luxury brand”  or what is the meaning of “luxury brand 对你来说什么是奢侈或豪华?你的印象中的奢侈品品牌有哪些?
1.      化妆品品牌:Dior(迪奥)      CK.Channel (香柰尔)   GUERLAIN  (娇兰)
YSL    Lacome(兰寇)      Estte laurder (雅思兰黛)    CLINIQUE倩碧

2. 箱包品牌:  Gucci(古奇)              Prada  C            Burberry                 LV      Fendi

3. 服装品牌:Armani(阿玛尼)          Pieer Cardan(皮尔卡丹) Zara
            Verssca(范思哲)          UZ       Nike             Banana Repubic             GAP      CD
            Yalentino(瓦伦蒂诺)       Guess     CK
4. 鞋子品牌:  Fregamo       Adidas(阿迪达斯)     Fuma(彪马)   Nike 耐克
5. 太阳镜高档品牌:芬迪、CK。

11. what is the team work?(什么是团队精神) What problems would you image working with a multinational team? And how to deal(与不同国籍人事组成的团队一起工作是要面对的问题或难题)
回答要点:(It  means help each other and Cooperation with colleges)。
(1)Different culture background, Hard to communicate with one language, Focus on the same target, trust your colleague, be responsibility in your own area. Work well with a multicultural work force
(2)Nobody can be successful alone. A group of people working together, so we can share the information, be responsible for this team ,to achieve the common target, help and encourage each other when we are in a bad situation.
12. If you could not achieve your sales target, are you ready to attend a training program to improve your skills or you will feel shy to ask?(无法完成工作目标时,是否能接受培训课程,或者你羞于说出?)
回答要点: 面对新颖的商品,我可能无法完成销售目标,我愿意接受培训课程来提高销售技巧,这对公司和我本人是个双赢的选择。When I sale novel goods, maybe I can’t achieve the target, but I would like to accept some training program to improve mysales skill, that’s good for me and my company.

13、why I should hire you ? what is good on you for us to hire you?   what is your strong point? What is your weak point on you ?(为什么我们要录取你?你有什么优点?你有什么缺点)
         I already have 2 years sales experience. I know how to sale. how to communicate with the customers. Also I know what the customer service is. And you know that my English is not bad, I love your brand (LV,BURBERRY等) too much, I love Dubai as well. I’m sure I will enjoy my work with my hard-working.  

14、Do you like sales? why you want to be sales person /     Why you want to go to work in our company(你喜欢销售吗?为什么想成为一个销售人员 /  为什么想到我公司工作 )
答:从个性、专业、经历以及个人今后发展等方面来阐述你为什么喜欢销售。  通过网络或外派公司介绍提前了解清楚雇主公司情况,从中选择自己看重或感兴趣的部分进行阐述,并说明到雇主公司工作对你今后的发展有好。
        Sure, I love sales job too much! As you know I’m a lively and optimistic people, I love make friends that from different country . My sales ability can be improved, the field of my vision can be expanded. If  I work hard, I can have more commission. And I’m so proud that I can join your company which is word famous.

15、If you have too many clients at one time , what should you do ?
(答:首先保持冷静,然后请求主管和其他同事帮忙接待)( answer is to cool down myself , then ask my supervisor or my colleague to help. This questions test you if you are having team worker spirit )

16. What if customer come to your store and just try your products out, but he did not buy anything?
回答要点:Madam, it's ok if you did not find anything suitable at this moment. However, the new design or our promotion will be on next week or month.    Thank you very much for your support。 anyway and we hope to see you soon. Wonderful day, Madam!

17. If in the store , the telephone is ringing ,but at this time , 1 customer walking in your store and another  customer  also walking in , how do you handle this situation ?

( answer :  I will pick up the phone and inform the other side to hold down , then give a big smile to t he client, welcome them with the words “ welcome to our store , excuse me , I will be with you in few minutes “ to each one of them , then I shall go back to answered the phone quickly , after that I will go back to service the clients one by one )

18 、Make a roll play to sell XX(I am client, I want to buy a XX,s how me your sales skill) 角色模拟, 面试官将扮演顾客,你将扮演销售人

Good morning madam.
How may I help you?
By the way, these are our latest design and the promotions that we currently have…..
Please let me know if I can assist you in any way....my pleasure.
Thank you madam and hope to see you again. Have a wonderful /nice day!

19、Will you be homesick? / Do you miss your family when you go abroad ?Will your parents support you to go abroad to work or not?(会不会想家?父母支持自己出国工作吗)
回答要点:Yes, but now it’s very convenient to contact through telephone or internet. When I miss my family, I can call them or talk to them on the internet.
They always support me to do everything I want, because they hope me to improve myself and earn more money.

Why do you want to work in Dubai ? Do you know about Dubai / UAE(阿联酋)?为什么来迪拜工作? 对迪拜(阿联酋)了解多少?

参考答案:I known that the UAE is a very beautiful and development country, Dubai is an international city, I want to open my sight and learn some advanced knowledge and skill, and meanwhile I can earn more money.
        UAE is a middle-east country and a Muslim country. There are 7 Emirates . Abu Dhabi is the federal capital;  Dubai is the second largest of the 7 Emirates and it  become international city now; there are many shopping mall and fantastic hotels;(including the very famous 7 star hotel--Burj Al Arab Hotel / biggest shopping mall—Dubai mall/ palm island/ the highest building in the word-- Halifa tower).
Every year , many tourists from all over the world come to Dubai for shopping and traveling. And now, more and more Chinese customers come to Dubai for working / shopping and traveling
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