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发表于 2012-4-28 07:35:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
迪拜读者问: 我需要一些有关我签证的建议。我是一家餐厅的服务员,合同有效日期到今年。我们自己付了3500dhs 的签证费,雇主说合同结束后会退还给我们的,就像银行保证金一样。然而当我们去要的时候,他们说除非续签合同,否则我们就拿不到保证金。问题是我们没有任何相关收据,我们该怎么办呢?

提倡者兼法律顾问 Mohammad Ebrahim Al Shaiba 答: 事实上,提问者从进入公司起,不需要付任何费用和签证费用,她也不需要付银行保证金。如果她没有任何证据来证明她有付钱给公司,就只有在法庭上要求一名证人,可以证明她确实有付钱给公司。Employer is refusing to refund visa fees
A reader in Dubai asks: I want to ask some advice regarding my visa. I work as a waitress in a restaurant. My contract expires this year. We have paid almost Dh3,500 for our visas. Our employer told us we would get the money back after we finish our contracts, and it is like a bank guarantee, but when we asked about the money they said they would not give it unless we renewed our contracts. The problem is that we do not have any receipts, what shall we do? 8 ?+ L5 B/ D3 ?" e" @

NActually, the questioner should not have paid any such amount or visa expenses from the start of her employment with the company, neither should she have paid any payment in the way of a bank guarantee, if the questioner does not have any proof of payment to the company, then she may prove that before a competent court by calling for witnesses who can confirm that the questioner has really paid such an amount to the company. " \$ z* C- C/ A8 r" l- ?6 n  c: G
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Questions answered by Advocate Mohammad Ebrahim Al Shaiba of Al Bahr Advocates and Legal Consultants9




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