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[法规] 5个阿联酋国籍博客主被判三年监禁

发表于 2011-11-28 13:13:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Ahmad Mansour Ali Abdullah Al Abd Al Shehi 被判三年牢狱监禁,其它四个阿联酋国际博客主被判两年牢狱监禁。

阿布扎比讯:周日,联邦最高法院裁定5个阿联酋国籍被告,Ahmad Mansour Al Shehi最后宣判。阿布扎比最高法院宣判网上博客主由于在公共网络论坛 UAE Hewar中用鼓惑的言语对国家安全构成威胁,被认定有罪,被判处三年监禁。这个 UAE Hewar论坛也被政府关闭,论坛里财产设备被充公。

被告:Al Shehi, Nasser Ahmad Khalfan Bin Gaith Al Merri, Fahd Salem Mohammad Salem Dalk, and Hassan Ali Hassan Al Khamis, all Emiratis, and Ahmad Abdul Khaleq Ahmad 他们没有正式的合法身份证明,被指控犯有在论坛里面犯下的行为是:鼓惑民众,煽动民众反对政府,破坏法律,破坏公共秩序,反对政府FNC选举这些言词对国家安全构成威胁。

昨天,五个阿联酋被告按照阿联酋政治论坛176条款, 他们在UAE Hewar论坛上的文章的,在拘留期间第四次法庭上述中被驳回,他们声称他们的基本言论权利被剥夺。


律师Mohammad Al Rokn博士说:他希望被告们的行为是被宣告无罪,“但我们不得不等待和观望用什么法案决定这样的裁决”


阿布扎比最高法院最高法官Dr Abdul Wahab Al Abdul,告诉海湾新闻:最高的宪法修正案裁定,修改条例草案授权,是对法庭有关联的罪行裁决。


律师Mohammad Al Rokn博士说被告人从来没有侮辱或侮辱阿联酋领导人。

原文来自GULFNEWS 迪拜新闻网编译,转贴请注明贴处。

Five Emirati bloggers sentenced for up to 3 years in jail
Ahmad Mansour Ali Abdullah Al Abd Al Shehi was sentenced to three years' jail, while the other four bloggers were handed over two years' jail

  • By Samir Salama, Associate Editor
  • Published: 11:43 November 27, 2011
    Abu Dhabi: Five bloggers, charged with perpetrating acts that pose a threat to state security, were found guilty and sentenced to up to three years in jail, the Federal Supreme Court ruled on Sunday.
    Ahmad Mansour Al Shehi was sentenced to three years’ jail, while the other four bloggers were handed two-year terms. In its final ruling, the highest court in the country also ordered the online political forum, UAE Hewar, to be blocked for good and equipment to be confiscated.
    The court, moreover, referred claims for compensation for psychological injuries to the civil court.
    The defendants — Al Shehi, Nasser Ahmad Khalfan Bin Gaith Al Merri, Fahd Salem Mohammad Salem Dalk, and Hassan Ali Hassan Al Khamis, all Emiratis, and Ahmad Abdul Khaleq Ahmad, who does not carry identification papers — were charged with instigating the public against the government, breaking laws and perpetrating acts that pose a threat to state security, undermining public order, opposing the government and calling for a boycott of FNC elections.
    Article continues below

    The five men charged under Article 176 for using the online political forum, UAE Hewar, failed for the fourth time yesterday to appear at the hearing in protest against what they claim is a denial of their basic rights while in custody,
    The defence lawyers said they were disappointed by the ruling, which is not subject to appeal.
    Dr Mohammad Al Rokn, lawyer for the defendants, said he hoped for an acquittal “but we have to wait and see what were the grounds for this ruling”.
    The prison term will be counted from April 9 when the bloggers were taken into custody.
    Dr Abdul Wahab Al Abdul, Chief Justice of the Federal Supreme Court, told Gulf News ahead of the ruling that a constitutional amendment should be introduced into the mandate of the court to look into sate security-related offences.
    He was responding to a question on what he thinks of legal experts’ argument that final rulings of the Federal Supreme Court in state security-related crimes deprives defendants of the right to appeal.
    Dr Al Rokn told the court the accused never insulted or intended to insult the UAE leaders.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-29 05:56:31 | 只看该作者
在国庆节之前 哈利法赦免554 个监狱之人

Khalifa pardons five bloggers jailed for posing threat to security
They are among 554 prisoners freed ahead of National Day

By Samir Salama, Associate Editor Published: 00:00 November 29, 2011  
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