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[雅思IELS] 雅思满分作文 IELS Full Marks Essay

发表于 2011-8-23 22:05:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
The importance of English
With the process of globalization in both economy and culture, there is nodenying that English is indeed an efficient tool for internationalcommunication. So a sound knowledge of English will give you an edge in yourjob-hunting in the foreseeable future. Besides, it opens up a fresh new windowto the world around you and afar from you. You may get up-to-date news andtechnological developments as fast as possible. On the other hand, if you donot know English, you are in danger of being excluded from what is going on inthe world today. Thus I firmly agree that this international language should beon the curriculum.

Children should never be educatedat home by their parents. Give your opinion.
In some countries a small number of parents are choosing to educate theirchildren at home rather than sending them to school. This may be for practicalreasons, such as when a family lives a long way from the nearest school, orthrough parents’ personal choice to take on the responsibility for theirchildren’s education.

Educating your children at home does seem to have a number of advantages. Firstof all, parents may be able to provide a more practical education for theirchildren than schools can, teaching skills needed in the real world such ashome management or gardening. A child’s own home is likely to provide a morerelaxing atmosphere for study than that which a school can offer. Furthermore,parents are in a better position to keep their children away from badinfluences if they can keep watching over them at home. Thirdly, parents areoften said to know what is best for their children.

However, there are many arguments in support of sending children to schoolrather than educating them at home. Children are isolated at home; at schoolthey are given the opportunity to develop in a social context, and becomeaccustomed to meeting people independently. Moreover, schools can provideprofessionally trained teachers and all kinds of educational facilities. Finally,parents are too emotionally ‘close’ to their children to make very goodteachers.

In my opinion, education at school is preferable to education at home. Thereare special cases (for example, for disabled children) in which home educationis the only option; however, for the vast majority of children greater benefitsare gained by going to school.

It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction,shopping or even office works, without meeting people face to face. What arethe effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?
Thanks to the development of communication technology, nowadays we canaccomplish many of our everyday tasks without meeting each other in person,such as paying bills and buying books. In my point of view, it has bothpositive and negative effects for individuals as well as our society.

It is clear that fulfilling some tasks without seeing people face to faceis highly efficient. In the past, if we needed to buy something, we had to goto the shopping mall; but nowadays all can be done with a click on the keyboardand the goods will be delivered home, even at a lower price. And if we want tomake a transaction from one bank account to another, we do not have to godirectly to a bank or wait for a desperately long queue; instead we maycomfortably make use of the self-banking service at home provided access to theinternet. Thus, efficiency of work and life has been both highly improved owingto the technological advances.

On the other hand, lack of face-to-face communication also brings someproblems. One of the biggest concerns is the safety. With increasing virusthreats and well-trained hackers, online deals such as bank transactions arewell exposed to heavy loss as well as to great inconvenience. Identity theftand other problems should be well noted by either individuals or variousorganizations.

Anotherproblem may lie in the fact that people might become somewhatindifferent and feel isolated in the long run without meeting others in person,since humans are emotional creatures.
Overall, there are both favorable and unfavorable effects on individualsand society if everyday tasks are performed without people meeting each other. Personally,I am fairly optimistic about its future and I also fully understand the necessityfor both individuals and government to pay adequate attention to the safety ofsuch dealings.

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