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[法规] 恐怖组织走私武器到阿联酋,计划袭击购物中心和酒店

发表于 2015-11-17 19:48:49 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
41名恐怖分子已于8月初被移交阿联酋联邦最高法院审判。相信在整个中东地区,最让恐怖分子觊觎和图谋的国家就是阿联酋,但我们更相信阿联酋先进的安保设备和技术,会让企图破坏阿联酋国家安全和社会稳定的任何恐怖行径灭杀在摇篮之中! 自“阿拉伯之春”发生至今,有多少恐怖分子在蠢蠢欲动之时就被无声无息地灭了!
为阿联酋祈祷平安,为生活在这片土地上的各国人民祈福 !


绿洲报翻译: 据海湾时报阿布扎比消息,本周一阿联酋联邦最高法院审理了一起恐怖组织案,Al Manara恐怖组织走私武器、弹药和雷管到阿联酋,以用于杀戮及推翻政府。


本周一,两名证人透露,Al Manara组织犯罪嫌疑人走私武器、弹药和雷管进入该国。这些武器是在与叙利亚以及伊朗的Balochistan省合作下获得的。



阿联酋总检察长Salem Saeed Kubaish说,犯罪嫌疑人还被控策划损害人民的私人和公共财产,最终夺取政权,建立一个所谓的符合他们的极端主义思想的哈里发国家。



目击者说,警方在阿联酋的沙漠营地发现了这些武器和弹药。他们表示,该组织使用迪拜的Al Manara清真寺和Al Arqam学校举行会议,并传播其恐怖主义思想。





‘Group smuggled weapons into UAE’
Federal Supreme Court examines rifles, MP5 and M16 machine guns recovered from a desert camp
By Abdullah Rasheed, Abu Dhabi Editor
November 16, 2015

Image Credit: Gulf News Archive
Abu Dhabi: Members of the Al Manara terrorist organisation smuggled weapons, ammunition and detonators into the UAE to kill people and overthrow the government, the Federal Supreme Court heard on Monday.
A total of 40 suspected members — including 38 Emiratis — of the terrorist organisation are facing trial at a security court here.
On Monday, two witnesses revealed that the Al Manara suspects had smuggled weapons, ammunition and detonators into the country. The weapons were obtained in collaboration with Syria’s Al Nusra Front and Al Ansar Front in Balochistan province in Iran.
Their intention was to overthrow the government, kill people, attack shopping malls and hotels and declare a Daesh-style caliphate in the UAE, the witnesses told the court.
The state security division of the Federal Supreme Court examined the weapons confiscated from the suspects and heard testimonies of security officers. The hearing was adjourned to December 8 when two videos on the groups’ meeting in Ras Al Khaimah and Dubai will be shown.
Monday’s hearing witnessed defendants and witnesses exchanging accusations. Judge Mohammad Al Jarah Al Tunaiji ordered two defendants be sent back to prison.
The witnesses Rashid Abdullah Saif Al Shamsi and Rashid Sultan Al Niyadi told the court that Shabab Al Manara group, backed by Al Nusra Front and the Iranian Balochistan Liberation Front, smuggled weapons, ammunition, explosives and guns into the UAE.
The prosecutors have said the suspects are charged with setting up and running terrorist organisation Shabab Al Manara, ‘The Minaret’s Youths’, which upholds terrorist ideology with the intent to commit terrorist acts in the UAE and endangering the country’s security, peace and lives of its leaders and people.
Salem Saeed Kubaish, UAE’s Attorney-General, said that the suspects were also charged with planning to inflict damage on private and public properties to eventually seize power to set up a so-called caliphate state in line with their extremist ideology.
“To carry out their terrorist acts, the suspects procured firearms, ammunition and explosives using funds they raised for this purpose and communicated with foreign militants. These militants provided these suspects with funds and people to achieve their goals inside the country,” Kubaish said.
The State Security Prosecution presented five weapons, including Kalashnikov rifles, MP5 and M16 machineguns, explosives and detonators used in making bombs as well as a huge number of bullets and magazines.
The witnesses said police found these weapons and ammunition in a desert camp in the UAE. They said the group used Al Manara Mosque and Al Arqam School in Dubai to hold meetings and disseminate their terrorist ideology.
The evidence consisting of seven boxes of ammunition and weapons was carried by three people into the court. One of the defendants admitted to possessing one of the rifles but said that his father owned it, adding that it was a hunting rifle and was at his father’s home and not with him. A witness testimony revealed that the main defendant, K.K., had lost a son while fighting with Daesh militants in Iraq.
Investigations revealed that the organisation’s members were giving youth lectures that criticise and attack the government and the ruling system in the UAE, criticising the raising of the UAE flag and the standing for the national anthem as these acts are considered blasphemous.
‘Committees, cells set up’
Prosecutors said the suspects set up an organisational structure, including committees and cells with specific tasks. “A leader was appointed to oversee the terrorist organisation, issue orders, instructions, roles and duties for each committee. He was also assigned to set policies. His deputy was assigned to follow up implementation of these policies,” Kubaish said.
The witnesses  added these committees were assigned to recruit young Emiratis to instil extremist thought and train them in militant acts and manufacture of explosives at certain camping sites.
Prosecutors said the group  also disseminated audio and video material on the internet.
Convicted terrorists face capital punishment, life imprisonment and fines of up to Dh100 million, according to a federal law to combat terrorism endorsed last year.
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