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[快乐英语] Happiness of the life

发表于 2012-7-13 23:42:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
We must all remember to play life with a light heart. That taking life to seriously will only cause us to live a life of stress and misery in the long run. Be willing to open up and play with life, to connect with life, to truly enjoy and experience life.

The only guarantee for any of us is the harsh reality and truth that we all will die one day. That each of us only has a specific number of moments and every single second they are ticking away. That all of us must learn to invest every second of our lives properly into things that will bring more joy and happiness to us.
On the other hand, life is no joke. The fact that we will all die is a very serious matter. It should be more than enough to motivate each of us to do more, be more, have more.

Thinking about the reality that we all die should inspire us to accomplish more with our lives. To do great things that are worthy of us in the short amount of time we have. After all, life is nothing but a blink and it's over.

It should remind us to tell the people we care about that we love them more often. It should inspire and uplift us to push harder to reach our goals. To remember to look at the sun and smell the flowers a little more often.
Live life with a playful heart, yet remember the truth about your mortality. Remember to invest every second doing something that you enjoy, that brings more happiness and joy into your life. There is no time to waste because we will never get a single second back.

None of us live forever, and who would really want to any way. If we had forever to everything, what urgency would there be to move forward and get things done. Would magic would the stars hold after a hundred years, or what beauty would the autumn leaves have after a thousand years.

What value would love have if we got used to losing it. What good would friends and family be if they never stayed or we never had a chance to enjoy them. What good would anything be if there was no chance of losing it and enjoying it while we have it.

Life is a valuable thing, and I get sad when I watch people waste it. When I hear excuses from people about why they don't when they are fully capable of doing great things. I guess we each make our decisions and must learn to live with them in the end.

So learn to live life with an open heart, and questioning mind, and a playful spirit. Don't take life to seriously, it's only temporary after all
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