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[雅思IELS] 雅思考试:阅写结合 一箭双雕!

发表于 2012-11-26 20:32:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

雅思考试:阅写结合  一箭双雕



在剑4 test2 passage 1 Lost for Words 这篇文章中就涉及了语言消亡的原因、影响及拯救办法:

The critically endangered languages are those that are only spoken by the elderly. (原因)

Why do people reject the language of their parents? It begins with a crisis of confidence, when a small community find itself along a larger, wealthier society. People lose faith in their own culture. (原因)

Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity. (原因)

The deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalization. (原因)

When an unwritten and unrecorded language disappears, it is lost to science. (影响)

Language is intimately bound up with culture, so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other. (影响)

The loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at the world. (影响)

The key to fostering diversity is for people to learn their ancestral tongue, as well as the dominant language. (拯救措施)

l The advantages brought by the spread of English as a “global language” will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
l Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.
l Some people think that we should invent a new language for international communication. Do the benefits of this outweigh the problems?
l In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country. However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?

在剑2 test3 passage 2 THE MOTOR CAR中涉及到了汽车的积极影响、负面影响和解决办法:

This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety. (负面影响)

The concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. (负面影响)

The invention of motor vehicle bring personal mobility to the masses and made rapid delivery possible over a much wider area. (积极影响)

Cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. (积极影响)

Mass use of motor vehicles has also killed or injured millions of people. (负面影响)

Other social effects have been blamed on the car such as alienation and aggressive human behaviour. (负面影响)

Car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland, and natural habitats, depletion of oil resources, and so on. (负面影响)

Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increase the efficiency of engines. (解决办法)

But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depends on which cars are preferred by customers and how they are driven. (解决办法)

One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solution of designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary——all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. (解决办法)

A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transit systems for travel into and around cities, with small “low emission” cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean burn cars for use elsewhere. (解决办法)

Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use. (解决办法)

l One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years’ time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
l The best way to solve the world’s environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
l Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
l The consumption of the resources on the earth is increasing at an alarming rate and above a dangerous level. What are the causes of this? What can be done to reduce it?
l The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people to use?
l Some believe that environmental protection is very important but they do not do anything about it. Why does it happen? How can we do to solve the problem?
l Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, are used in many countries, but in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including wind and solar power, are encouraged. Is this trend a positive or a negative development?
l Nowadays, technology developments are causing environmental problems. Many people think that we should live a simpler life while others believe that technology can solve environmental problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
l Some people believe that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with, while others think that individuals should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
l The environment problems facing today's world are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. Government and large companies should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment. To what extend do you agree or disagree?




○More and more cars will lead to many serious problems.

Increasing numbers of cars will give rise to/ contribute to numerous severe problems.

○ The world population is increasing at a fast speed.

The world population is soaring.
或 The world population is increasing at an alarming rate.


常见表达:                                        高分词及表达:
be due to/ because of/ result from             be attributed to / be blamed on
housework                                 household chores/ domestic tasks
family                                          household
by chance                                      accidentally
look like                                       resemble
danger                                          hazard
dangerous                                       hazardous
copy                                            duplicate/reproduce
poison                                           toxin
poisonous                                        toxic
before                                           prior to/ previous to
first                                              original/ initial
famous for something bad                         notorious
almost                                           virtually
move                                            migrate
think of                                         conceive
native                                            indigenous





Whether an individual survives from one year to the next will largely be a matter of chance.

Where we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments. 在哪儿处置日益增多的垃圾对很多政府而言是件头痛的事。


But the origins of what is now generally known as modern architecture can be traced back to social and technological changes of the 18th and 19th centuries.

It is the major contributor to why large numbers of young females commit crimes recently.这就是为什么近年来许多年轻妇女犯罪的主要原因。

Indeed when the champion tennis player Ivan Lendl was asked what the single thing was that he would choose in order to improve his game, he said he would like to become a left-hander.

It is hard to imagine what effects garbage will exert on our lives. 很难想象垃圾将对我们的生活造成什么影响。


The assumption is that the investigation of deviance can reveal interesting and significant aspects of ‘normal’ societies.

The reason why many students go to study abroad is that they can have opportunities to appreciate foreign culture and master a foreign language. 许多年轻的学生去国外学习是因为他们有机会品味外国文化和掌握一门外语。


The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term ‘echolocation’ to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.

Those students who hold a foreign degree seem to be more confident and independent.拥有外国学位的学生似乎更加自信、独立。


Preserving historic buildings or keeping only their facades (or fronts) grew common.

Gazing at the flickering screen is a boring and tiring experience. 盯着闪烁的屏幕是一件索然无味和累人的经历。

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