Issuing NOC for driving licence is employer’s discretion
It is not mandatory for the employer to issue the NOC and escalating this matter to the Ministry of Labour may not help the employee.
I work in a private company in Ras Al Khaimah. My question is regarding driving licence. My company is not giving me a NOC for the driving licence and they have not specified a reason either. They simply say no whenever I ask for the NOC. I need your advice in this regard. What should I do to get the NOC? Can I take this issue to the Labour department?
It is understood that the RAK police requires you to obtain an NOC from your current employer in order to apply for a driving licence. Issuance of the aforesaid NOC is at the discretion of your employer and it is not mandatory for your employer to issue the aforesaid NOC, as requested by you.
Therefore, escalating this matter to the Ministry of Labour may not get you the desired result.
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