
标题: 印度小伙求职 [打印本页]

作者: 迪拜中文网    时间: 2014-1-14 18:31
标题: 印度小伙求职
Ankur Gupta 韦峰

持有计算机科学与工程技术学士学位(B. Tech CSE)
电话:         9971157751
邮箱:         Ankur.wei@gmail.com
迪拜签证:        目前没有迪拜签证
目前所在地:         印度首都,新德里

教育经历       MAYO学院
          于该学院完成高中学业,  是全印度第二名学院。

技能掌握        掌握语言:                  英文 -  本土水平           印度语 -  本土水平            中文 – 高级水平
作图技术:                   掌握Adobe Photoshop软件技术进行图像处理
办公软件技术:          关于桌面排版方面         掌握Microsoft Publisher软件技术
                 关于展示陈述方面         掌握Microsoft PowerPoint和Keynote软件技术
关于电子制表方面         掌握Microsoft Excel软件技术
                     关于文字处理方面         掌握Microsoft Word软件技术
                 关于数据统计方面         掌握Microsoft Access软件技术
程序设计技术:          掌握Java技术(该技术在大学课题中被作为基础平台使用过,有再次接受相关训练的潜在兴趣)
会计财务技术:          掌握BusyWIN, Tally Accounting软件技术
计算机系统故障修理技术: 适用计算机系统范围为 Windows 2000, XP, Vista
         摄影技术:                    熟练掌握尼康数码单反相机技术 
         适应性方面:           对工作地点、时间、性质、环境的适应性强
         开车技术                     右手驾龄5年

特长优势               人脉资源                            中国友人 (大学同学)在世界各地提供物流服务和翻译帮助
                 印度出口代理商分布于温州, 义乌, 上海, 宁波, 广州, 深证和香港
         对广州的住宿、餐饮和交通非常熟悉
         通晓建筑五金及其适用范围,可成功打造五金品牌
         擅长迅速而准确地根据所需目标和内容对展览会讯息进行掌控
         对中国文化和工作习惯十分熟悉


2013/07 -- 至今:

自由职业者 | 拓展企业经理|广告/会展/公关/市场推广



2012/09 -- 2013/07:

自由职业者 | 采购专员/助理|外包服务  


这一年我又到了中国学下去中文,可是这次我去了广州的中山大学。从事联系采购人、采购人访问广州时安排他们的住吃行、陪他们去展览\批发市场、理解要求、提供商开发、准备协议与形式发票、设计包装、参观工厂检查质量和关照后勤、翻译和导游。因为每天都要早出晚归,造成对广州很熟悉。广州很快就成了我第二老家。因为在中大同班都来自不同的国家,所以交了很多朋友。这些朋友在世界各地提供物流服务和翻译帮助。认识很多印度出口代理商分布于温州, 义乌, 上海, 宁波, 广州, 深圳和香港。

2011/08 -- 2012/07:

一家五金公司| 销售 | 销售代表零售/批发 | 民营 | 规模:20人以下 |



2010/07 -- 2011/07:

一家五金公司 | 采购主管贸易/进出口 | 民营 | 规模:20人以下


研究公司产品成本价、售价 和质量。公司,为了从中国采购五金产品,让我上了大学学中文。就是这年公司令我去杭州学下去中文与顺便找合适的提供商,帮助他们终于开始进口。订单过程的每部分,比如收集要求、参观展览、准备协议与形式发票、设计包装、访问工厂检查质量和关照后勤,负责我完成。

2009/03 -- 2010/04:

一家五金公司| IT 行业 | 数据库管理员IT服务(系统/数据/维护)/多领域经营 | 民营 | 规模:20人以下

工作本质是兼职的,我为了做大四实习到了这家公司做它的网站。为了建公司的产品数据库首先按着公司要求学了摄影与编辑图片软件(photoshop),再帮公司建了网站。也学了公司当时用的财务软件(busy win)。当时用了Ms Publisher也有帮公司设计并出版目录和资料了。

作者: 迪拜中文网    时间: 2014-1-14 18:32
Ankur Gupta
Business Manager
Mandarin Interpreter
B. Tech CSE Graduate
Phone:         9971157751
Email:         Ankur.wei@gmail.com

 Mayo College
  Graduated from high school
        B.Tech  (May   2010)
  Graduated in B.Tech(CSE) from Amity University, Noida, India.
        Chinese language & Culture Program.               
  1st semester full time Mandarin Course from Delhi University   (Aug—Jan  2010)
         2nd semester full time Mandarin Course from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (Feb—July  2011)
3rd — 4th Semester i.e. 4 intermediate levels from SunYatSen University, Guangzhou (Sept 2012—July  2013) , entering into Advance level (HSK 5-6).

Languages:                English -  Native                 Hindi -  Native            Mandarin - Advanced
Art & Graphics:        Adobe Photoshop
Office                Desktop Publishing         Microsoft Publisher
          Presentation                Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote 
          Spreadsheet                 Microsoft Excel
          Word Processing         Microsoft Word
          Database/Statistics        Microsoft Access
Programming:         Java (used as base platform during university projects,
          potentially interested in getting trained again)
Accounting:                BusyWIN, Tally Accounting Software
Troubleshooting:         Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Photography:                 Can make effective use of Nikon DSLR cameras
Adaptable:                with respect to location, time, work & situation.  

 Network                Chinese speakers (university friends) all around the world providing logistics and translation service.
Indian export agents in Wenzhou, Yiwu, Shanghai, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
 Very familiar with Guangzhou City, Roads, metro, accommodation and restaurants. Just need few hours to settle and start working.
 Complete knowledge of builders hardware and its area of application, can assist in successful Hardware Brand Establishment.
       Cover exhibition fairs efficiently and quickly according to the purpose and requirement.
       Familiar with Chinese culture and work habits


March,2009 - April,2010: one year

Located atelhi,India
Department: Accounts/IT
Employment Type: Part Time
Duties responsible for: Database creation & maintenance 
Company: A Hardware Trading company in Delhi, India.

May,2010 - Jan,2011: 6 months 

Located at: Delhi, India
Department: Sales
Employment Type: Part Time
Duties responsible for: sales consultant
Company: A Hardware Trading company in Delhi, India.

Feb,2011 - Aug,2011: 6 months

Located at: Hangzhou, China
Department: China Import
Employment Type: Part Time
Duties responsible for: Visiting factories, exhibitions and wholesale markets, finding suppliers, preparing Detailed Performa Invoice/contract, design packaging, assist with quality check & analysis, logistics, customs & documentation .
Company: A Hardware Trading company in Delhi, India.

Sept,2011 - Aug, 2012: One year
Located at: Delhi, India
Department: Admin
Employment Type: Full time
Duties responsible for: Brand Managing and Sales Executive
Company: A Hardware Trading company in Delhi, India.

Sept, 2012 - July, 2013: 
Located at: Guangzhou, China
Department: Sourcing & purchasing
Employment Type: part time
Duties responsible for: Contacting Indian buyers, Inviting them to China, Arranging their  stay, Dine and travel, Visiting factories, exhibitions and wholesale markets, preparing Detailed Performa Invoice/contract, design packaging, assist with quality check & analysis, logistics, customs & documentation. Updating oneself with new products and expand network not only within china but also overseas.
Company: Self-employed


Located at: Delhi, India
Department: Import Export, Interpretation & Biz Development
Employment Type: Full Time
Duties responsible for: Working as a Business Consultant/Business Developer to Chinese suppliers visiting Delhi, India. Mainly involved in understanding suppliers products, do market research, set right pricing, find buyers and importers, providing import documentation, money transaction & arrange logistics. Help local buyers with sourcing & material Procurement from China
Company: Freelancer

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